Parents and schools need to work together for the betterment of the students. Parents play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Parents should check some of the tips below that they can use to develop their children’s confidence and improve their school experience.
Also, an active Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO) is vital to UHS. You and your student(s)' membership help to ensure that our school remains the best in the area.
Be generous with praise
Observe your child carefully and comment on the things that are done well. When you see an area that needs improvement, find a positive way to talk about it with your child.
Encourage "personal best"
Help your child by encouraging him or her to do the best in school and at home. Remember, "personal best" does not mean "perfect", and learning is not the same as high grades. Children, like adults, need the freedom to make mistakes and to learn from them.
Make learning a priority
Your attitude toward school attendance, education and involvement in the school makes a strong and lasting impression on your child. Show your child, by example, that learning is a priority.
Show interest in schoolwork
Offer suggestions for success
Help your child use the following strategies to improve performance in school:
Schedule study time
Set up an area for homework away from noise and distractions. Post a family calendar that schedules school project deadlines, after-school activities, mid-term dates, exam periods and report card dates.